Yay! My First Blog...
I'm so excited to the point I ran out of words. Well, I guess I can talk about what I've learned so far, not just technically. I've learned that if you want to open your own business you need hard-work and most importantly, to never give it up. I use to think people who say that, are people who like to sound philosophical; but, they are right. It took me almost a year to open this website alone. I used to face obstacle after obstacle each time I attempted to work on it, a design used to be postponed each time as well… My resilience is all due to the passion I have for this art and the encouragement of the people around me.

I thought that leaving my work and going on this adventure, I'm going to be happier and it's going to be easier than dealing with a manager who makes my life miserable. Boy... I was wrong!!
Being an entrepreneur takes twice as much energy. It takes twice as much hard-work and twice as much seriousness. I also learned how to bead of course! I thought beading is just filling a design with beads. It's not... It's a big part of the fashion world where there are plenty of opportunities to be creative.  It is indeed an art in and of itself.

Learning new techniques is not always easy: it took me a long time to learn, for example, the peyote stitch, which I discovered to be pretty simple after many hours of hair-pulling and crying. This stitch is such a diversified subject. It includes many shapes and technics and each has its own steps, which have to be followed to the letter for it to work.
Well, enough said, hope you like what we have to offer and wait for some new designs to be posted! Meanwhile, please check our Pinterest & Instagram accounts to view few of my initial designs.